Portaferry 2005

The Harp Hotel owned by Henry Coates became The Slip Inn and now The Slip

"the entire property was sold to a Mr. Coates in 1840, but, according to the valuation records, a Henry Coates was resident in c.1835 (though this could mean that he merely leased the building at this stage). Coates may have largely rebuilt the property, for its plan on the c.1835-38 valuation plan is markedly different from that of 1864 (which means that the building may not be the oldest hostelry in Portaferry). In 'Slater's Directory" of 1846 Henry Coates is listed as proprietor of the 'Harp Inn', and in that of 1856 he is recorded as a 'spirit grocer" but in 1861 valuation returns merely refer to the building as a 'house". Mr Coates is believed to have sold the property to a a Mr. Dorrian in 1874 for £400" See Historic Building Details

Slip Inn on the corner of The Strand and Ferry Street photographed from the Portaferry-Strangford ferry by me in 2005.
Note the Portaferry Presbytarian Church on the skyline.

When recorded by Molly, Rex and Robert Cole in 2007 the pub had been renovated and the name changed to The Slip.


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