1879 Elizabeth Cole's letter written in Clones to R B Cole in New Zealand

Clones June 1879

My Dear Bob,
I hope you are well and got safe over to New Zealand. We don't see much of Johnnie as he is nearly always up in the drawing room studying for his examination.

Mr Power was here on the (May) fair day he said his Cousin Mr Wadd? had approved ****  some hundred of *** this one in return. I think it is very like him. His writing is very much improved. I suppose you will send a little letter to each one of us but be sure and don't forget McMurray. Both Willie and he have both got into another class. Mamma got a letter from Mrs Thompson and she wanted her, (that is Mamma) up for a week but she could not get. We sent her your photo on account of her sending hers for you. We are all well here and all *** *** ** love to you

Your affectionate sister
E. Cole


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