1898 Elizabeth Cole's letter written in Clontivrin to R B Cole in New Zealand

13th Sept 1898

Dear Bob,
It is almost a month since I received Blanche's letter and paper. I have had John, Daisy and their four children for a fortnight, they are only away a couple of days. Daisy is 14 stone 9 lbs. John is stouter than he was but very little changed otherwise. Martin is fair and very stoutly built. Helen and Dorothy are thin and tall. Helen is as dark as Mac and Dorothy is fair, so is Julia. She is almost three and a half years and as pretty a child as ever I saw, she chatters away in Pap???????? but not a word in English. ??. other three speak Spanish pretty
???????????????? at school it is a country place near Manchester. Martin is going to a grammar school about half a mile off.

John and Daisy are going on to London and keeping Julia, or as they pronounce it as if spelled (Hool-Yah) the Spanish way. John is going to take post graduate classes in several things, eye diseases for one thing so his holiday will be work principally. I gave John the photo of his namesake and he did him the compliment to say he resembled his hopefuls, his flock are a wild lot, how Father would have enjoyed seeing them all especially his big son, who was so good to him. John did not know of our loss until he got the lengths of Belfast.

I have not got a copy of the will yet. Mr Parke has it but will ?? on he said ?ad?.. to it as it was in Father's own writing with the consent of the others but there was delay and expense incurred so I just am taking out letters of administration instead. The place is advertised to be sold 30th of this month. If it sells well all expenses will be cleared. There is about ?130 due counting sent and lying ? years sale at November so if the farm sells for the price of the mortgage I will be content, but am afraid it will not ?..nd is not valuable now. Mrs Moore never did anything but whitewash the outside of the house and the kitchen and paint the hall door every few years so you can guess the mess the house is in, plaster falling off the mouldings and paper discoloured and falling off too. It is a good number of years since he got possession of it as you know yourself

Mac has been home over a week, he is looking better for the change. John says both Mac's lungs are weak. I think he is going to write you a few words in this, I am for writing to David this time, last time I wrote I had so little time and so many letters to write that I made the one letter to you both.

John wrote to Dr Mackintosh the Suptd of the Western and I have been allowed to stay till 1st Nov. I only hope The farm will sell but it w????? a dear rush to pay and I am af???? of course I miss getting in for the October exam and will have to wait until April or May next. Willie's wife is home on a four months trip to her mother's in Foxdale, Isle of Man. I expected her here but do not know if either she is coming or not, she was to return next month ???????????? ?????????????? Rosina Ritchie ??????????..

Must close now as Mac is writing too. I suppose you will write me now and again as you have time
Love to Thelma, Jack, Blanche and Self
Your affect Sister
Lizzie Cole