John and
Elizabeth (Betty) Cole nee Boyd
In Loving Memory of John Cole, died 7th Feb 1875
His wife Eliza, died 23rd May 1877 aged 85
His son Robert, died 17th April 1868 aged 40
His daughter Eliza, died 11th March 1896 aged 76
His grand-daughter Eliza Jane Cole, died 31 Oct 1868 aged 5
His son-in-law James Fry Rea, died 20th June 1906 aged 69 |
John and
Jane Cole nee Coates
In Loving Memory of John Cole. Clones. Who died 4th July
1898 aged 69 years
also his wife Jane Coates who died 18th April 1892 aged
61 years
also their (second) son Henry Coates who died 26 Nov 1875 aged 16