John Cole Belfast/Ulster Street Directory

Clones, is a market town, in County Monaghan, fifty three miles from Belfast, twelve and a half S.S.W. from Monaghan. The town consists chiefly of five streets, which converge towards the market place, a spacious triangular area, called the Diamond, on the West side of which stands the market house. The market is held on Thursday, and the fairs on the last Thursday in each month. Population in 1858, about 3,000

Cole, J., pawnbroker, Whitehall Street

Clones, is a market town in County Monaghan, fifty three miles from Belfast, twelve and a half S.S.W. from Monaghan. There is a good market house. Clones is now connected by railway with Cavan, Dundalk, Enniskillen, and Belfast. The market is held on Thursday, and the fairs on the last Thursday in each month. Population, 2,710.

Post Office, Fermanagh Street - Wm. Thompson, post master, Fermanagh Street. Letters from Dublin and South of Ireland, also from England and Scotland, arrive every morning at 3.30 a.m., and are despatched every evening at 1.55 p.m., and 9.5 p.m.; letters from Belfast and the North of Ireland, also from Scotland arrive at 12.20 p.m., and are despatched every evening at 9.5 p.m.; letters from Enniskillen and the West of Ireland arrive every evening at 2.10 p.m., and are despatched the following day at 12.2 p.m.

Diamond     Cole, john     Draper and pawn broker

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