1912 Maria C Gaerste from  Maracaibo to New York

SS Philadelphia Passengers sailing from Curacao Oct 17th 1912


Saloon and First Class Passengers  Original Manifest Page 1
Name Maria C Gaerste
Age 32
Sex F
Married or Single M
Occupation Wife
Read Yes
Write Yes
Nationality (country of which citizen or subject) Holland
Race or People Dutch West Indian
Last permanent residence Curacao Willemstad
The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came Father John A de Haseth Otrobanda Willemstad Curacao
Final Destination Curacao Willemstad
Whether having ticket to such final destination No
By whom was passage paid Self
Whether in possession of $50 or upward, and if less how much more
Whether ever before in United States and if so when and where no
Whether going to join a relative and if so what relative, the name and address Cousin Cora Gaerste 237 Hudson Street Hobeken
Whether alien intends to become citizen of United States no
Whether a polygamist no
Whether an Anarchist no
Condition of health, mental and physical Good
Deformed or crippled, nature, length of time and cause no
Height Feet Inches 5' 5"
Complexion Lt
Hair Colour Dk
Eye Colour Br
Marks of Identification no
Place of Birth Curacao Willemstad

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