1914 Dorothy Ross Cole to Venezuela from Jersey
St Louis Sailing from Southampton June 17th 1914
Arriving New York June 25th 1914
Built by William Cramp & Sons Shipbuilders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1895. 11,629 gross tons; 554 (bp) feet long; 63 feet wide. Steam quadruple expansion engines, twin screw. Service speed 19 knots. 1,340 passengers (320 first class, 220 second class, 800 third class).
Second Class Passengers | Original Manifest |
Name | Dorothy Rose Cole |
Age | 23 |
Sex | f |
Married or Single | s |
Occupation | None |
Read | yes |
Write | yes |
Nationality (country of which citizen or subject) | England |
Race or People | English |
Last residence | Jersey St Martins |
The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien cam |
mother and sisters "le Mautrierie?" St Martins Jersey Channel Islands note: probably La Maitrerie, St Martin |
Final Destination | South America Venezuela |
Whether having ticket to such final destination | no |
By whom was passage paid | Self |
Whether in possession of $50 or upward, and if less how much | yes |
Whether ever before in United States and if so when and where | yes 1912 New York City |
Whether going to join a relative and if so what relative, the name and address | Father Mr Coates Cole Maracaibo, Venezuela South America |
? | No |
Whether a polygamist | No |
Whether an Anarchist | No |
Whether | No |
Condition of health, mental and physical | Good |
Deformed or crippled | No |
Height | 5" 7" |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Golden Brown |
Eyes | Green |
Marks of Identification | No |
Country of Birth | British Isles |
Place of Birth | Peel Isle of Man |
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